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- NCB IC Event: Innovate Youth: Building Tomorrow's Entrepreneurs.
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Compassionate Appointment in NCB for Group “C” & “D
NCCBM to host 17th International Congress on Chemistry of Cement (ICCC) in 2027 in New Delhi
Research Papers
- Ali M M, Agarwal S K and Chatterjee V P, “Performance Evaluation of Ordinary Portland Cement Containing Mineral additives”, ALIT Inform, International Analytical Review, Cerment. Concrete. Dry Mixtures, “ADDITIVES”, No.3 (15), p.57-67, September 2010.
- Katyal N K, Dhawan A K and Ali M M, “Complexometric Estimation of Calcium and Magnesium in Cement and Raw Materials”, ALITinform, No.2(14), August 2010.
- Ali M M and Agarwal S K, “Performance Characteristics of Low Basic Slag Cements”, “ALIT Inform” International Analytical Review, Cement. Concrete. Dry Mixtures, “Recycled Resources” 2 (19), p.44-49, 2011
- Ali M M, Chaturvedi S K and Sharma P S, “Future Frontiers in Cementing Materials”, Cement International, 5, 2011, p.42-47.
- Mishra C R (NALCO), Yadav D, Sharma P S and Ali M M (NCB), “Production of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) from NALCO Red Mud”, Light Metals, The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, 2011, p.97-102.
- Pahuja Ashwani and Ali M M, “NCB’s Contribution to Technological Upgrading of the Cement and Construction Industries”, Cement International, 11(5), May 2013, p.34-39.
- Ali M M, Gupta R S and Pahuja Ashwani, “Prospects of Geopolymeric Cements in Environmental Sustainability”, Cement Energy and Environment, 12(2), April-June 2013, p. 9-10.
- Interview with Pahuja Ashwani, DG-NCB, Cement International, 11(5), May 2013, p. 27-33.
- Ali M M, Agarwal S K and Pahuja Ashwani, “Potentials of Copper Slag Utilization in the Manufacture of Ordinary Portland Cement”, Advances in Cement Research, 25 (4), p-208-216, 2013 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1680/adcr.12.00004)
- Ali M M , Gupta R S and Pahuja Ashwani, “Geopolymeric Cements and their Salient Characteristics”, Civil Engineering and Construction Review, No. 1 (26), 2013.
- Ali M M, Agarwal S K, Pahuja Ashwani (NCB) and Singh B K, Duggal Sunil (HZL), “Utilization of By-Product Jarosite in the Manufacture of Ordinary Portland Cement”, Advances in Cement Research, 26(1), p.41-51, 2014 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1680/adcr.12.00063)
- Agarwal S K, Ali M M and Pahuja Ashwani, “Properties and Performance of Cement Prepared Using Jarosite as Mineralizer”, ALITinform, International Analytical Review, Cement. Concrete. Dry Mixtures, 3(35),p. 1-11, 2014
- S Harsh, A K Arora, V Liju and M M Ali, “Studies on cement hydration in the presence of nanosilica” Cement International, Vol 12(3), 74-78, 2014
- R S Gupta, S Vanguri, A K Arora, V Liju and M M Ali “Investigation on geopolymeric cements based on alkali activation of low lime fly ash”, Cement International, Vol 12(5), 62-69, 2014
- Ali M M, Agarwal S K, Pahuja Ashwani (NCB) and TNSK (BZL), “Zinc Industry Byproduct for Gypsum Substuitute”, World Cement, November 2014, p. 141-146.
- Chaturvedi S K and Sahu A K (Delhi Technological University), “Reaction mechanism of multi-blend cementtitious systems-A review”, The Indian Concrete Journal, 88(7), p.75-83, 2014
- Agarwal S K, Ali M M, Pahuja Ashwani (NCB) and Singh B K, Duggal Sunil (HZL), “Mineralizing Effect of Jarosite: A Zinc Industry By-product in the Manufacturing of Cement”, Advances in Cement Research, 27(5), p.248-258, 2015 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1680/adcr.13.00102)
- Chaturvedi S K, Ali MM, Pahuja Ashwani “Role of refractories in minimizing the shell corrosion phenomena in cement kilns in India”, Cement and its Applications, Saint Petersberg, Russia (2014),
- Agarwal S K, Ali M M, Pahuja Ashwani (NCB) and Singh B K, Vikas Sharma, “Investigations on the roll of zinc industry by-product ‘jarosite’ as set controller in OPC and PPC”, 14th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, Hydration of Portland Cement, FSN-1444, Abstract Book, Volume-I, p-122, 13-16 October 2015, Beijing,China
- Chaturvedi S K, Yadav D, Ali MM, Pahuja Ashwani, Satish Kumar D, Prasad SMR, “Potentials of using steel slag in manufecture of cement in india”, 14th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, Supplementry Cementitious Material, Sl No. 1460, Abstract Book, Volume-I, p-312, 13-16 October 2015, Beijing,China
- S K Agarwal, S Harsh, S K Chaturvedi, A Pahuja (2016), “Clinker Mineralization Using By-Product, Jarosite”, Cement, Energy and Environment, Vol.15, No.3&4, p.11-18, July-December 2016
- S K Agarwal, S Harsh, S K Chaturvedi, A Pahuja (2016), “Zinc Industry By-Product “Jarosite” as Set Controller in OPC”, Cement, Energy and Environment, Vol.15, No.3&4, p.19-24, July-December 2016
- S K Agarwal, S K Chaturvedi, Ashutosh Saxena (2017), “Low Temperature Clinkerization Using Barium Sludge”, ALITinform, International Analytical Review, Cement. Concrete. Dry Mixtures, 6(49), p.12-21
- S K Agarwal, S K Chaturvedi, Ashutosh Saxena (2018), “Investigations on the Role of Marble Dust as Mineral Additive in Cement Manufacture”, World Cement, March, 49-60
- S K Agarwal, S K Chaturvedi, Ashutosh Saxena (2018), “Effect of Mineral Addition on the Mechanical Properties of Portland Slag Cement, International Cement Review, December 2018, p.37-45
- S K Agarwal, S Palla, S K Chaturvedi, B N Mohapatra (NCB), S Bishnoi (IIT-D), S Maity (TARA) (2019), “Investigations on Limestone Calcined Clay Cement System”,3rd International Conference on Calcined Clays for Sustainable Development (ICCCSC-2019), volume-II, p.155-166, 15-17 October, New Delhi
- S K Agarwal, S Vanguri, S K Chaturvedi, B N Mohapatra (NCB), A Kumar, S Sen, A S Reddy, A Kumar (Tata Steel Limited) (2019), “Investigations into the Mechanical Properties of Portland Slag Cement based on GBFS and Steel Slag”, ZKG International, 12, p.28-41
- S K Agarwal S K Chaturvedi, B N Mohapatra (2020), “Effect of Minor Mineral Additions on the Mechanical Properties of PPC”, International Cement Review, April 2020, p. 91-102
- S K Agarwal, S Palla, S K Chaturvedi, B N Mohapatra (NCB), S Bishnoi (IIT-D), S Maity (TARA), (2020), “Investigations of Limestone Calcined Clay Cement Systems”, Book: Calcined Clay for Sustainable Concrete, S. Bishnoi (Ed), RILEM Book Series, Volume-25, Spriger, Singapore, P.443-454 (https://doi.org/ 10.1007/978-981-15-2806-4_52)
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